Archive by tag: New AlbumReturn
The Push Stars Release New Album

The Push Stars Release New Album

  • 9/21/2018 3:00:00 AM
IT'S HERE! Recorded at the legendary Ardent Studios in Memphis, TN, Chris and The Push Stars proudly present our brand new album "3 Feet In The Air" to the world!
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India / A Moment Too Late / Spring Tour

India / A Moment Too Late / Spring Tour

  • 3/6/2018 3:00:00 AM
I am writing this on a flight right now, heading home from a two week trip to India. The plane is a symphony of babies crying, people coughing, a Vietnamese mother of two throwing up in the next row (we talked before the flight) and the woman in the seat next to me applying incredibly toxic smelling nail polish. It is a perfect stew for sleeplessness and hence, the best time to write a newsletter.
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The Magic Of The Road

The Magic Of The Road

  • 11/8/2017 5:22:00 PM
As I slide into my seat on my flight from Chicago to Boston, the overly calm voice of the pilot informs us that this will be an "extremely bumpy flight". For some reason, it doesn't phase me in the least because I am feeling a huge sense of gratitude right now. I feel like I've somehow managed to find the majority of the puzzle pieces needed to construct a beautiful portrait of a life I couldn't have even dreamed of living. In the past two months, I've gone from doing t...
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